St. Maximilian Kolbe founded the Knights of the Immaculata – a group dedicated to bringing salvation to the whole world through the love and protection of Mary. Keeping this in mind, our Middle School students wrote a Knights Pledge in 2024. All students from Kindergarten - 8th grade have memorized this pledge and strive to live it out every day.
KNIGHTS PLEDGE As Knights of St. Maximilian Kolbe Academy, we will strive every day to live out the Cardinal Virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Justice, and Prudence in our interactions within our school, family and community. We will treat our teachers and peers with respect. We will embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit to become disciples who joyfully share the love of Jesus with others. We will give our most diligent effort to our schoolwork. Following the example of our patron St. Maximilian Kolbe, we offer this to Mary, who leads us all to Jesus, for the greatest glory of God.
WHY IS VIRTUE IMPORTANT? “Formation in the virtues, also referred to as character or human formation, cultivates in students a strong character so that they can grow into adulthood living responsible, productive and holy lives. Virtues acquired by education are purified and elevated by grace, and with God’s help, allow each child to become the person God has made him or her to be. The Saints are a model of heroic virtue and a wellspring for formation. While the family is the first school of virtue, parents trust a Catholic school to help cultivate in their children an understanding of what it means to act as mature Christians. Therefore, it is necessary that all curricula, programs, experiences, athletics, extracurricular, and other school activities are deeply grounded in the Church’s virtue tradition and designed and operated so as to form students in Catholic virtue. Schools will continue to assess and promote the culture of virtue formation. As witnesses who show the goodness, depth of life, and possibility of a virtuous life are crucial, Catholic schools will take great care to ensure that school faculty and staff live lives that provide such witnesses to the students in the school. The outcome of excellence in virtue formation and human development is that Catholic school students strive for a life of intellectual and moral virtue. As mature Christian leaders, they order their freedom responsibly to become who God has made them to be.” Archdiocesan Manual for Catholic Schools 2024-2025 LIVING VIRTUE EVERY DAY AT ST. MAX KOLBE ACADEMY Students spotlight one virtue every month by learning the definition and reading about examples of the virtue being personified through the life of a Saint. A reflection is provided each day during morning announcements providing students an opportunity to go deeper into their understanding of the virtue. The Middle School students prepare a lesson on the monthly virtue and teach the younger students the lesson. Studying virtue together allows everyone in the school to speak a common language about our relationships in everyday school and family life with the goal of continuing to help each other grow in holiness.